Team TuneUp Team Building & Corporate Training
08 years ago
Team Building Events Website
Design, Branding, Programming, Print Materials
Team TuneUp is a premier Team Building & Corporate Developmental Training Company. They work with many Fortune 500 companies, and are well loved in their industry. Their Team building events include the hilarious Cardboard Boat Building Challenge, the Glider Construction Challenge, the Team Olympics Team Building Games, the Super Hero Mission Challenge Team Building Scavenger Hunt, the S.W.A.T. Rescue Team Training & Kidnapped Mystery Adventure, the Cycles of Change Philanthropic Bike Build Team Building, and many more!
Team TuneUp also provides bonding Developmental Training Events and Workshops that help you develop your team’s full potential. These include the Behavior Lab MBTI Myers-Briggs Personality Type Workshop, the Communication TuneUp, and much more!

Case Study: JumpStay
013 years ago
Travel Hosting Enterprise System
Design, GUI, PHP, AJAX, xHTML, CSS, Java
JumpStay takes the concept of travel hosting to a whole new level. Rather than staying renting from or staying with a complete stranger, the custom built interest matching engine fulfills the promise that you can “Stay Places You Like, With People Like You!”.
We designed, branded and coded this entire (huge, complex, sophisticated) system from the ground up. It allows individuals to build profiles for themselves as well as profiles for their properties. Users can network, add friends, leave detailed reviews of properties and guests, and the system also handles all transactions between guests, the company, and the property owners. Both properties, guests and owners have interests specified that allow for the most relevant and compelling matches.
Integration of Map Views using the Google API allow owners to specify their address, and what level of detail to show prospective tenants. All profiles also provide the options of including images, videos, and testimonials as well as reviews.
Keep your eye on JumpStay, they are going to become the next big name in travel hosting!

Case Study: Florida Body
113 years ago
Custom Built Blog
Graphic Design, xHTML, CSS
We built FloridaBody.com for renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Bill Eschbaugh, and incorporates a content management system (CMS) that allows the staff to update pages. Integrating a modern yet clean design with a warm and welcoming feel. The logo was developed for a sense of elegance, modernity and prestige. The photography of Dr. Eshbaugh was done on site in Florida. Click the link below to take a closer look at this site.

Case Study: ScoutMe
013 years ago
Custom Built Recruiting and Social Networking System
Graphic Design, PHP, AJAX, xHTML, CSS, Mobile App
ScoutMe.com is a clever company with a simple yet sophisticated concept: Only the top 2% of college athletes are actively recruited. ScoutMe.com helps the other 98% of high school athletes learn how to prepare and promote themselves to try to get into a better college using their athletic ability… And for some, to even get scholarships that they would never have had access to.
To help founder Justin Szabo realize his vision, we built a system that allows students to build out highly detailed academic and athletic profiles, including yearly statistics for their sport and position, grades, photos, videos, awards as well as results from ScoutMe’s proprietary athletic profiling tests (administered at in-person events). Students can then search a national database of colleges based on a number of criteria, and express their interest in that school’s athletic programs.
College coaches also have profiles, and have the ability to look at the profiles of prospective student athletes who have expressed an interest in their athletic program.
The system even has automatically generated college profiles and college sports profiles for every college and university in the country! Coaches of those programs can then claim their respective page and customize aspects of it to more accurately reflect their program.
The result is a seamless system that facilitates the introduction of promising but unknown student athletes with college coaches…
Check out the site at www.ScoutMe.com (and if you know a high school student athlete, send them there immediately!)